I couldn’t write this better than master rands, so I don’t.
I was wrong, horribly wrong - as
From “writing online” to “the blog”
The past two years or so I have spent a lot of time on the “online-writing” band wagon.
The idea
Processes are executed by humans
When something goes wrong, you should figure out why it went wrong.
Not to blame someone, but to avoid it
Start with trust
Trust – A big word, hard to get, easy to destroy, and impossible to restore. At least if you listen to
Make your team successful
To perform well, a team needs to know its purpose.
* Why are they here?
* What’s the plan?
* What’s
Learn to listen
Manager or not, as humans we like to talk. We feel our opinion has to be heard, and if you
How to communicate in your team
It's an essential skill to build genuine relationships and advance in life and business. A manager that is
How to Slack
I spent some time and effort in my last job making Slack more enjoyable and less annoying. Here I have
What happens to your former tasks
📖This is part of the first book I have written. In the meantime it's ready and available on
Do small things right
„Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.” Master Ittei commented, “Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.“ — Tsunetomo Yamamoto